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The curriculum revision work relates to Class X until the bachelor’s level and onwards regarding all degrees, certificates, and diplomas awarded by institutions of higher education.
The NCEA may at any time choose to advise the chancellor of an institution on its statutes and regulations. the NCEA regularly collaborates with universities on curriculum revision.

The curriculum review and revision process have been divided into two phases:
PHASE - I: Curriculum under consideration
PHASE - II: Circulation of the draft curriculum
Details of steps involved in the said process under each phase are as follows:
PHASE - I: Curriculum under consideration
Step – I: Constitution of NCRC in the subject

The Vice-Chancellors of all public and private sector universities, R&D organizations, Directorate of colleges and industries concerning the subject under consideration, requested to nominate their representatives, for appointment as members of the National Curriculum Review Committee (NCRC).

Step –II: Assessment/Analysis of the existing curriculum

The existing curriculum is circulated amongst the members of NCRC to discuss it with their colleagues and bring collective proposals for review and revision of existing curricula about:

a) Learning Outcomes (of teaching the subject)
b) Scheme of studies
c) Course-content
d) Weightage
e) Reading materials
f) Teaching strategies
g) Methods of evaluation.

In this way participation of a maximum number of subjects, experts are ensured.

Step – III: NCRC Meeting-I: Draft Preparation

The first meeting of the NCRC is organized at the NCEA Headquarter or one of its Regional Centers / Chapter. All through this
meeting utmost, local input could be made accessible in the exercise of revising a curriculum. Universities in different places may
also be chosen to serve up the function. The meeting which by and large runs for three consecutive days comes up with an
outline of the revised curricula, after thorough discussion and deliberation on the proposals prepared by the NCRC members.

PHASE – II: Circulation of the Draft Curriculum
Step – I: Appraisal of the first draft

The first draft prepared is circulated amongst the local as well as expatriate experts, universities, institutions, and organizations soliciting their views for its further improvement. The view/recommendations collected on the first draft curriculum were deliberated upon to design and finalize the curriculum of the specific subject of study in a final meeting.

Step – II: NCRC meeting-II - Finalization of draft

The second meeting of the NCRC is held to decide the draft of the revised curriculum in the light of remarks/suggestions/ recommendations received from college and university teachers and institutions all over the country. The meeting would again take three days to confirm the curriculum. The draft so finalized, has the expertise of all faculty members of the subject under contemplation, who are openly, directly or indirectly involved in this process.


The curriculum designed is printed and sent to universities/institutions for its adoption/implementation after the approval of the Competent Authority.