


In today’s era, for the excellence and quality in education it is significant for the accreditation of faculty/Professor. The NCEA
simply provides accreditation of teacher, professor, lecturer, professor(Associate, Senior, Teaching, University), academician,
preparation providers that offer bachelor’s, master’s, and/or doctoral degrees, post-baccalaureate or other programs leading to
certification, licensure, or endorsement by external or NCEA peer review. When an organization is accredited, it must exhibit that
it qualifies standards set by organizations representing the academic community. To retain accreditation the institution or faculty
must undergo a comparable evaluation on a usual basis. NCEA established a set of standards that we believe unions sho uld
advance, institutions should adopt work to promote. These standards govern practices in payment, service practices, professional
responsibility and support and the role of faculty in their institution.

  •  Application Form
  •  Faculty / professor Accreditation Standards


Before the Accrediting Commission will officially accept an institution’s initial Application for Accreditation, the institution must make it obvious it completely meets the eligibility criteria. In concise, the criteria involve the following:
Each program offered by the institution is predominantly distance education or correspondence education (51% or more).
The institution must be appropriately licensed, official, exempted, or approved by the applicable state educational institutional authority.
At the time of preliminary application, the organization must have been enrolling students in current programs for two consecutive years under the present ownership.
There is verification via audited or reviewed financial statements that the institution is economically sound.
The given name being used by the institution is free from any association with any actions that could spoil the status of the Accrediting Commission.

The organization, its owner, governing board members, executive, administrator, and administrators own sound reputations and show a record of truthfulness and moral conduct.

The organization agrees that as part of the application process, the owners, officers, and managers may be subject to a background check by NCEA