

It is a condition of membership that all members of NCEA undergo an external review at least once every five years. Before being accepted or being re-confirmed as a member, an applicant agency must satisfy to the Board that it meets the criteria for membership. To be eligible to NCEA membership, a university, colleges and other degree-awarding institutions shall:

Criteria on for full membership

A university and other degree awarding institution in possession of accreditation by a national accreditation body of the host Partner State shall be admitted to Full Membership status.

Criteria for associate membership

A constituent college will be admitted as Associate Member.
Membership of NCEA is valuable for quality managers/officers, who would join a community of colleagues working with quality assurance of higher education.
Gain your branding through using NCEA logo in your website or relative documents.
As an NCEA member you can embrace what is being offered in the region and share in the delights of learning and expanding your own knowledge base. Specifically, full members (there might some differences for other 3 categories) will be able to:
Co-organize international seminars, workshops or fora together with NCEA in your local context.
Have the right to apply for NCEA Award which occurs once every year.
Publish your qualified research paper on NCEA Academic in Proceedings during AAC every year.
Have access to over 180 consultants in Consultant Data Base and get advice on different and specific QA matters.
Have Access to the electronic periodical of the academic journal “Higher Education Evaluation and Development (HEED)”
Have the right to apply for Asia-Pacific Quality Register (APQR) for Quality Assessment and Accreditation System (QAAs); and
Have the right to apply for the accreditation of NCEA Quality Label for HEIs.
NCEA assessors and quality assurance auditors will consider the following: (excellence indicators/ points to be considered by….)

Publicity, Advertising and Pre-course Information

Ensures that relevant courses are as advertised and give a clear and truthful description of the courses offered by the member.

Selection and Admission of Course Participants

Ensures that prospective students, trainees, learners, candidates, or participants hold the appropriate qual ifications for the courses for which they have applied

Course Process and Evaluation and Assessment

Examines how each institution evaluates student coursework and measures the consistency in assessment. This helps ensure course monitoring and quality assurance for all members.

Course Structure, Syllabus and Content

Ensures that material provided to students is the same or not substantially different to that which was originally presented at submission to the NCEA Board. Where material updates have been introduced, verifies that these are within specified parameters of each appropriate course or program.

Progress and Assessment and Course Administration

Monitors student progress and ensures that any student grievances are responded to appropriately.


Ensures that teaching, tutorial, and academic staff are adequately qualified and experienced and monitors any change to staffing arrangements, and that the staff to course participant ratio is sufficient.

Course Evaluation and Quality Assurance Procedures

Ensures that internal procedures to monitor and maintain internal standards on delivery of courses are available.
Members agree to adhere to the NCEA Code of Practice for Members and are required to provide evidence that recommendations made by NCEA assessors and evaluators have been acted upon.


Education and Professional Development

Members will have a variety of Educational Resources.
Annual conference (at discounted rates) providing an ideal platform to share experience and contribute to the authoritative and growing body of indigenous knowledge on distance education and open learning

Community and Networking

Members have access to a growing, global Community.
Membership of a network of expertise in open learning and Modern Technology of education.
Up-to-date information on latest developments in distance education, including related policy.

Members have exclusive access to publications and media

You will belong to the largest lively networking professional community of high reputation in open, distance, classroom, and e-learning Opportunity to contribute to policy matters through the official voice of distance education.
Each Member is entitled to one vote at Council meetings which are conducted each year at the Annual Conference. By this, members help shape the growing strategic influence that NCEA has.
Regularly updated information on local and international workshops and conferences related to open learning and distance education.
Join online forum to discuss problems and ideas with partners You can benefit regularly from the professional development supporting activities of the Association

Build Your Business School Brand i.e. strategic relationship management

Receive regular electronic newsflash Use “matchmaker” service, for the rapid reach of the right partners Institutional Members may participate in and utilize academic programs developed specially for its members. These include degree programs capable of being offered collaboratively with other NCEA institutions and are prepared by global experts.

Members Have Access to Employment and Recruitment Tools

Experience more than just a job board and connect to the best opportunities, ideas, and resources in business education