Meet the Team


Message from the President.

July 8, 2008, saw the coming together of quality assurance authorities and ministries responsible for the higher education of the National Commission for Educational Accreditation(NCEA) member countries to embrace a common language of quality and work together towards harmonization of higher education policy in the region. With the adoption of the Declaration, the NCEA Network was officially established to serve and complement the strategic needs of this effort.

As the great compression of our world continues to accelerate, the degree of integration in higher education including in this region becomes
more significant and crucial. This creates a constant challenge for regional efforts to cope with the free movement of knowledge and the
massification of higher education. In addressing the impact of this globalization, the issue of quality and quality assurance and the need for
policy shifts towards a flexible and integrated system has raised concerns among governments in this region.
Realizing this, efforts have been done in this region to promote further collaboration and networking among various authorities responsible
for higher education. Thus, the idea of a regional network has become the key theme in many academic discussions and meetings. NCEA, as
one of the potential outcomes of the ongoing discourses, is hoped to connect member countries and create a common ground in the area of
quality assurance of higher education.

NCEA certainly cultivates the sharing and enhancement of quality assurance best practices and national capacity building amon g its members.
Subsequently, as NCEA continues to develop, it will perhaps map its way towards a Quality Assurance Framework, which will facilitate the
recognition of qualifications and cross-border mobility. It is, of course, our ultimate goal to share in the successes of other international
networks such as Asia, European, African and Australian, American.
Though NCEA is relatively young and still growing, it is progressively driven by an ambitious, committed and passionate group with a great
understanding of each other’s system. With these, we look forward to a promising future for National Commission for Educational


Developing a good board is about linking skills and personalities that can work in accord to accomplish brilliance and brilliance in board
governance. The NCEA’s Director Register provides a unique service for organizations seeking board candidates.


In this process, the NCEA uploads your director opportunity to our Board Opportunities page for members to review and apply to positions
they are interested in directly.

For a successful open call for directors, the subsequent key pieces of information are sought-after:

• A brief description of your organization
• The skills required for potential directors
• Details on how candidates and centers can apply
• Any applicable deadlines
• Efforts you can take to run a chapter

The NCEA is here to assist you in identifying a suitable organization and educational institution based on your specific need s.
A robust roster of qualified directors, who as members of the NCEA, form a remarkable and diverse pool of knowledge, experience,
commitment, and talent.
A broad array of options for search criteria such as education of director , area of proficiency, gender, committee and board experience, and
geographic position, etc.
One-on-one consultations with the NCEA team to discuss, establish and refine search parameters to address your board’s needs and dyn amics.
This is a confidential process. NCEA members only receive notice that their Director’s profile has been selected in a search when the
organization requesting the search reaches out to the member(s) directly to gauge their interest/fit for the opportunity.