


Accreditation emphasizes learning, and self-development and persuades the TC to practice continual distinction. Accreditation is a quality declaration process, under which the TCs are assessed aligned with the required factors. Training Centre Accreditation is a route to capability-based training intended at the overall growth of the trainees. It ensures that the Training Centre (TC) has met approved qualitative standards, which have been pre-set by the respective SSCs. Centre. The method involves a peripheral evaluation to grade the TCs as per their observance laid down official recognition and affiliation guidelines.
The Centre Accreditation assists for the successful management and deliverance of competency-based training. Centre Accreditation is a value assurance progression under which the requisite parameters of Training Centers are assessed. It is of crucial magnitude to ensure that the trainees are provided with worthwhile training, thereby constructing the requirement to have a distinct legalization process of the Training Centers.

An Accredited Centre comprises of trainees, the owner and the public in general, that the Training Centre has met established standards essential to convey the training under precise job position. The accountability for declaration of the quality of a Training Centre decide by the Training Centre itself. Accreditation accentuates on knowledge, and self-development and give confidence the Training Centre to follow persistent Quality. This process engages a collective mechanism of self-assessment by the Centers and an external evaluator (Third Party) Inspection bureau/organization to establish if agreed qualitative standards are met by the Training Centre. The Accreditation Standards are focused by a grade matrix and are related to the procedure and services offered by the TC to its trainees. These standards are a set of training, exercise and concepts, as prescribed by the SSCs

  •  Application Form
  •  Training Centre Accreditation Standards